Website Usage Rules

This site  is a community website, and it must be used in coordination with this. The sponsoring organization, American Flier, Inc., and its staff are not responsible for content placed on this website by members: no liability is accepted for the possible results of this content, and no warranty is provided for it.

You must not:

  • post any sexually suggestive content
  • post any obscene content or use obscene language (including language designed to avoid the word filter)
  • post any discriminatory content
  • post any dangerous content
  • post any defamatory or libelous content
  • use the website as a forum for any unnecessarily controversial topics, such as debates, however, free discussion of technical topics and alternatives is encouraged
  • post off-topic or irrelevant material, or post any material multiple times without good reason from the point of view of the staff
  • incite (directly or indirectly) any illegal activity (be it covered by criminal or civil law)
  • post any copyrighted material for which you have no right to do so
  • post information relating to, related to, or links directing to, any organization in direct or near-direct competition with our own
  • use this website to advertise, except to provide links to commercial sites that are approved
  • pose as, or willfully act as, a member of staff
  • attempt to hack into this website
  • act in any way that the Legacy Guild website administrator deems unprofessional
  • use the features of this website to subvert the company or staff.

External content

Links to outside commercial organizations must be approved by the Legacy Guild website Administrator.  The Legacy Guild states that these sites are not under the control of this site and we do not take any responsibility for their content.

Other Linked sites such as those providing access to Technical Reports or White Papers, are also outside the control of us and we disclaim any responsibility for their content.

Our rights

We reserve the right to:
  • remove or change posted content as we feel appropriate, with no warnings, explanation or mention.
  • monitor the usage of this site, including all content, whether publicly viewable or not
  • change these rules at any time, without warning
  • ban any member without explanation if any of these rules are deemed as broken by the staff


Acceptance of these rules implies acceptance of the privacy policy (which includes details of how this website uses cookies).