
Dedicated to the support, maintenance, currency, enhancement, preservation, and transformation of Legacy Systems, with emphasis on modernization with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).

Support - fostering awareness and appreciation of the role and tradition that a Legacy System has played in an organization's reason for existence, and cultivating an Information Technology culture that is respectful of that role, that tradition, and the staff who has made and still makes it possible.

Maintenance - commitment to defect diagnosis and remediation via corrective maintenance throughout the entire life cycle of a Legacy System, until the very last day of decommissioning.

Currency - commitment to sufficient adaptive maintenance to keep Legacy Systems compliant with all regulatory and policy changes that affect operations, as well as compliant / compatible with external changes in the host architecture environment

Enhancement - commitment to keeping the Legacy System in a "readiness state" of maintainability, so that additional features and functionality can be added cost effectively at any time in the Legacy System's life cycle, i.e. enhancement maintenance.

Preservation - commitment to the overall health and robustness of the Legacy System, by means of conducting regular and routine preventive maintenance, such as addition of control totals and structures, code instrumentation to detect performance problems, and selective rewriting / refactoring code showing a historical pattern of being problematic.

Transformation - recognition that technology does not stand still, and that Legacy Systems must evolve and be transformed to fit into newer technological paradigms, via transformative techniques, the most important of which is a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).