General Questions FAQ

General questions about the Legacy Guild, its organization, and its website.

Question What is the Legacy Guild?
Answer The Legacy Guild is an informal association of professionals dedicated to the support, maintenance, currency, enhancement, preservation, and transformation of Legacy Systems, with emphasis on modernization with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
Question Is the Legacy Guild a non-profit organization?
Answer Strictly speaking, the answer is No. The Legacy Guild is a Public Service Project performed under its executive sponsor, American Flier, Inc., which is an Indiana Subchapter S corporation, an information technology consultancy.
Question What is the structure of the organization?
Answer Largely informal, there is some structure to the Legacy Guild. Its executive sponsor, American Flier, Inc., is the administrator of its website  Since the Legacy Guild is not a corporation, non-profit or otherwise, it does not have a Board of Directors, Officers, or shareholders. The website allows for membership, and there are different levels of membership with differing permissions and responsibilities, and for our purposes we may consider those to be Regular Members, Super Members, and Administrators.

Most of the web pages do not require Membership to browse. However, some do, like Project Opportunities and Job Opportunities.

Members are free to make relationships and associations with each other, and to enter into contractual business agreements with each other if they choose to do so. However, the Legacy Guild cannot take any responsibility for any success or failure outcome of any endeavor arising out of such freely made associations. The Legacy Guild itself is not a party to any contract.

Question What are the requirements for membership?
Answer The requirements for membership in the Legacy Guild are minimal. We ask only that you support the Mission of the Legacy Guild, which is to advocate and foster the support, maintenance, currency, enhancement, preservation, and transformation of Legacy Systems, with emphasis on modernization with Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). Additionally, to retain membership, you must at all times conduct yourself in a civil  manner in all correspondence and forum postings within the website.
Question Is there a subscription fee associated with membership in the Legacy Guild?
Answer No. And we do not anticipate that there ever will be.
Question How is the Legacy Guild website funded?
Answer The website is Public Service Project funded by the Legacy Guild's executive sponsor, American Flier, Inc.