CoBOL versus Java - The Relevance of CoBOL Today

The relative merits, advantages, and disadvantages of Java, C#, and C++ are compared and contrasted with CoBOL. Various studies on the appropriateness and relevance of CoBOL as a modern application domain-specific  programming language.

2012-2016 Social Security Agency Strategic Plan for IT Includes CoBOL

December 2nd 2013

Why does the Social Security Agency continue to embrace  CoBOL? In its 2012-2016 Strategic Plan, it states:
"COBOL has served SSA and similar large transactional processing organizations well for over 40 years; COBOL's longevity is a distinct advantage for us, given the support and stability of the product."

Can a Java Programmer be Transitioned to CoBOL

December 26th 2013

Humorously titled, this short paper offers some comparisons between CoBOL and Java. The conclusion is especially apt: "When it comes down to the question of which will best survive, the bottom line is that COBOL can be much more easily enhanced to include web features than Java can be enhanced to handle records. Adding web routines to COBOL is being done; adding record handling to Java is not and cannot be done, without a major change to Java's restrict

Robert Glass's Fact #30: "CoBOL is a very bad language, but..."

December 8th 2013

Fact #30: "CoBOL is a very bad language, but all the others for business data processing are so much worse."

Robert Glass, notable IT author and contributor to the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), waxes insightfully into our love/hate relationship with CoBOL, delving into the differences between domain specific and domain independent languages. In the end, his conclusion: "The r…

Social Security Agency's Use of CoBOL - An Inspector General Critique and the SSA's Reply

December 2nd 2013

An interesting exchange between the Inspector General's office on the Social Security Agency's use of CoBOL, its increasing use of Java, and its modernization efforts.  The facts presented as context are as important as the recommendations and conclusions, and underscore the importance of CoBOL to the financial industry. Also interesting is how the SSA's annual budget of $100M for operation and maintance for 60 million lines of code of CoBOL compares fa…